About This Site

In use of this site

AGC Asia Pacific Pte Ltd is managing this site.
Please use this site after you have read and agreed with the following use agreement.

About copyright, a trademark right, etc.

The contents on this site (documents, photographs, illustrations, animations, sounds, programs, etc.) are protected by the copyright which AGC Asia Pacific Pte Ltd (hereinafter “the Company”) and a third party have and cannot be diverted to some other purpose and reproduced without notice to the Company.

Since the following logo used in this site is the trademark of AGC Inc, the parent company of the Company, it cannot be diverted to some other purpose and reproduced without notice to the Company.


Although the Company has paid careful attention to make the information published in this site the newest and precise, as long as there is no special clear statement individually, it does not guarantee validity, accuracy, etc. of contents of this site, and takes no responsibility.

Please understand beforehand that the contents and URL of this site may be changed, interrupted or discontinued without prior announcement. The Company does not take responsibility regardless of the reason for any damage generated by interruption or discontinuation of this site and any change of the contents of this site.

This site aims at the information service used as reference of investor judgment especially about investor information. It does not aim for soliciting the stocks of the Company to be purchased or sold. Please make the final decision about investment based on the user’s own judgment.

About links

As long as there is no agreement with the Company separately, linking to this site should not be performed. Even if your company or you suffer damage from having linked to this site without notice to the Company, the Company does not take any responsibility.

When linked from this site to other sites (hereafter “the other sites”), it does not mean that the Company recommends the usage, the contents, etc. of the other sites, and does not mean that there are special relations with the other sites, or with the administrator of those.

The other sites linked to this site are managed with the responsibility of the establisher of the other sites. Therefore, please follow the terms of use of the other sites. The Company does not guarantee contents of the other sites, and does not take responsibility about any damage accompanying the use.

About the browser to be used

We recommend that this site is viewed with the latest version of Internet Explorer 10 or above, Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, as well as the latest version of iOS and Android. Also for the latest version of each browser, we will strive to support you so as not to cause inconvenience.

About JavaScript

There are contents which are using JavaScript in parts of this site.
In the case of use of this service, please have JavaScript turned ON by the browser side